
Your friendly ESL Ambassador warmly welcomes you to the English language, world, culture, friends and travels!

Specializing in good ESL-First-Impressions! 

Thursday, 14 March 2013 00:00

Very Good Words#4

Very Good Words#4 Study Section:

Please download all the items below and start studying. Have fun!


Very Good Words#4

  1. For example: 예를 들면

  2. Chill out! 침작하다

  3. What's up? 무슨일이야?

  4. What's happening? 무슨일이야?

  5. Generous 관대한

  6. Future 미래

  7. Past 과거

  8. Present 현재

  9. War 전쟁

  10. Attack 공격하다

  11. Defend 방어하다

  12. Appeared 나타났다

  13. Possible 가능한

  14. Because 왜냐하면

  15. More than 그이상

  16. If 만약, 한다면

  17. What kind? 무슨 종류의

  18. Show 보여주다

  19. Punish 벌주다

  20. Anyways 어째튼

  21. Beginning 시작하다

  22. The way 방법,

  23. Wasting time 시간을 허비하는

  24. Doesn't make sense 말이 안되다

  25. Succeed 성공/ 성공하다

  26. Failed 실패/실패하다

  27. Good, Better, Best 좋은, 더좋은, 재일 좋은

  28. Reason 이유

  29. Do me a favor. 부탁이있어.

  30. Getting -이되는

  31. Growing 자라는/성장하는

  32. Darling, dear, sweety, honey 사랑하는 사람을부를때..

  33. Mistake 실수

  34. Enjoy 즐기다

  35. frustrated 좌절하는/낙담하는

  36. It's good to see you! 만나서기뻐요.

  37. Wet/dry 젖은, 마른

  38. Figured out 해결하다/(문제)룰 풀다

  39. But 그러나

  40. So 그래서

  41. Honest/Lie 정직한/거짓말

  42. What are you talking about? 무슨 말하는거야?

  43. Confused 혼동하눈/혼란스러운

  44. Promise 약속

  45. Give up 포기하다

  46. While/As -하는동안/-동안, -할때


So you want

to be an English Star?


I'll tell you

the way.


all of my

Very Good Words.

Learn the words



waste your time!

Oh yes...

It is possible!

And you will

thank me

in the future!!

That's a promise!

I'm not lying!

So....don't feel


Do you know

what I'm talking about?

Is English getting easy?


don't give up


Enjoy English

Bye, my dears!”


December 11th, 2003 (Original Publish Date)


Thursday, 14 March 2013 21:30

Very Good Words#3

Very Good Words#3 Study Area

Download the contents below and start studying.

Then go on to the VGW3 Study Sentences.

Very Good Words#3, by James Purdie

  1. 선택하다 choose

  2. 동의하다 agree

  3. 파괴하다 destroy

  4. 부수다 wreck

  5. 용감한 brave

  6. 또다룬 other

  7. 습관 habit

  8. 깨뜨리다 break

  9. 부끄러워하다 shy

  10. 쉬다 rest

  11. 나머지 the rest

  12. 희망하다 hope

  13. 기쁜 glad

  14. 화가난 upset

  15. 거의 almost

  16. 쉬다 relax

  17. 궁금하다 wonder

  18. 간단한 simple

  19. soon

  20. 태도 attitude

  21. 장소 place

  22. 편안한 comfortable

  23. 못봐주겠네 I can’t stand!

  24. -이되다 become

  25. 궁금해하눈 curious

  26. 갑자기 suddenly

  27. 머물다 stay

  28. 가버렸다 gone

  29. -하는계 낮다 you better

  1. 벌써 already

  2. 단지 just, only

  3. 계속하다 continue

  4. clothes

  5. 문제가 생긴 in trouble

  6. 그밖의 What else?

  7. 확인하다 check

  8. -한적 있는 used to

  9. 마음, 정신 mind

  10. 짜중나눈 irritating

  11. 확실한 obvious

  12. 결심하다 decided

  13. 협조하다 cooperate

  14. 중간 middle

  15. 노력하다 try

  16. -에 대해서 about

  17. 떠나다 leave

  18. 자신감, 확신 confidence

  19. 친절한 kind

  20. 상처, 다치다 hurt

  21. 충분한 enough

  22. 뭐라고요? Pardon me?

Thursday, 14 March 2013 00:00

Very Good Words#2

Welcome to the Very Good Words#2 Section.

Below at the bottom of the page you will find all of the downloads for this section.

You can download:

  1. The Very Good Words#2 Study Video

  2. A Word List/Poster

  3. A Musical Study MP3

  4. A series of translated sentences corresponding to each word in the vocabulary list.

  5. An MP3 file showing how to pronounce each sentence in English and Korean.

Step 1:  Download all the materials

Step 2: Study the Very Good Words Video and try to memorize the words.

Step3: Follow the word poster as you listen to the song. (It helps you to memorize and sing the song)

Step4: After memorizing the words, try to memorize the matching complete sentences while reading and listening to the sentence study mp3

Step5: If you're teaching a class or just studying by yourself, try to listen to the English or Korean sentence first and match the meaning.  For example: You hear, "난 친구가 많아요!"  Try to guess the English meaning.  Also you can read the sentences in one language and try to say it in the other language.  If you're teaching the class, you can have the students write out maybe five sentences in both English and Korean.  Then for the next class you can quiz the material by asking to translate the Korean Sentences into English.                        

Thursday, 14 March 2013 21:19

Very Good Words#1

Welcome to the Very Good Words#1 Section.

Below at the bottom of the page you will find all of the downloads for this section.


You can download:

  1. The Very Good Words#1 Study Video

  2. A Word List/Poster

  3. A Musical Study MP3

  4. A series of translated sentences corresponding to each word in the vocabulary list.

  5. An MP3 file showing how to pronounce each sentence in English and Korean.

Step 1:  Download all the materials

Step 2: Study the Very Good Words Video and try to memorize the words.

Step3: Follow the word poster as you listen to the song. (It helps you to memorize and sing the song)

Step4: After memorizing the words, try to memorize the matching complete sentences while reading and listening to the sentence study mp3

Step5: If you're teaching a class or just studying by yourself, try to listen to the English or Korean sentence first and match the meaning.  For example: You hear, "난 친구가 많아요!"  Try to guess the English meaning.  Also you can read the sentences in one language and try to say it in the other language.  If you're teaching the class, you can have the students write out maybe five sentences in both English and Korean.  Then for the next class you can quiz the material by asking to translate the Korean Sentences into English.

Continue onto the next part of the VGW1 Menu to view the study sentences, or you can download them at the bottom of the page.



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