Displaying items by tag: 영어캠프노래

Friday, 24 May 2013 00:00

The Tadpole Song


Are you looking for a good song to teach at your English Camp?  Look no further.
The perfect song is here with its lyrics for studying:
The Tadpole Song (올챙이송 영어버전)  Here's the story. I was asked at one summer camp at 성북초등학교 to make an English Version of the 올챙이송.  I did it quickly in an hour and it turned out very well.  Here it is:

The Tadpole Song Lyrics


Down by a stream
One little tadpole
Swimming swimming swimming along

Out pop the back legs  ('pop' 소리)
Out pop the front ('pop' 소리)

Jumping Jumping!!!
Now he is a frog.

Swimming swimming
Swimming swimming
Swimming swimming
One little tadpole

Out pop the back legs  ('pop' 소리)
Out pop the front ('pop' 소리)

Jumping Jumping!!!
Now he is a frog.

(Special thanks to the original Korean Song Writer)
고마와!! :)